RP Offers - Rope-Phantasies

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Bondage is something you can not buy in a fetish store or an online webshop. You can buy the ropes, but then? And which ropes are best? And what do I have to consider when roping somebody up? Many questions and few answers. My workshops cover these questions and will teach you the basic skills for starting out this form of BDSM .  As suspension bondage is something very dangerous if not correctly done and there are numerous pitfalls and a lot of knowledge required, this is something I can usually not cover in my workshops.

The time frame for my workshops depends on the group size, your skill level and your needs. It can vary from 3 hours to a whole day

If you are an BDSM Club you may think about inviting me. But please consider, that bondage is only one of my hobbies. I do not charge anything for holding the workshop, so make your request interesting for me. An exciting city, a vivid BDSM Club, a nice supporting program can be plus points for you.

Depending on the comprehensive package I expect you to take over travel and accommodation costs for me and ideally my boyfriend.

Rope Phantasies - Artful Male Bondage


Rope Phantasies - Artful Male Bondage

When doing bondage it has always to do with BDSM, erotism and sexualitiy. Thus, you should like ropes, soft-SM and sex. In the past I was particularly searching for young and trained guys, but in the meantime I learned that it depends on the comprehensive package. But please, be realistic, I need to have fun, too and am not a service provider.

What will happen during the session? I can not tell you in advance. Of course there are limits, and you will understand pretty soon, that you can feel completely safe with me. After you feel the safeness the real game can start. We will find out what you and me find terrific. And at the end I am looking forward seeing you smiling contently.

It seems necessary to mention at that point, that safer sex is a must.

If interested in a session you can contact me by writing an e-mail (address see under "Contact").


You think a bondage performance would be something for your fetish event, your party, your street fair? Then give me reasons why I should come to you. I've got the "bondage victims" who love to show themselves in front of audience, the knowledge how to do the bondage and the experience how to perform on events. But please consider, that bondage is only one of my hobbies. I do not charge anything for giving the show, so make your request interesting for me. An exciting city or a nice supporting program can be plus points for you.

Depending on the comprehensive package I expect you to take over travel and accommodation costs for me, the "bondage victims" and ideally my boyfriend.

Rope Phantasies - Artful Male Bondage
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